The Phenomenon
Dazzling Chanel suits, Prada and Cavalli ensembles, Fendi and Dior handbags, the signature Manolo Blahnik stilettos, and the endless jewelry ranging from a gold name plate to the large colorful plastic

Sex and the City is a guaranteed 30-minute vogue runway, but that’s not why we are drawn to it week after week and buy the DVD sets. So it must be the amazing, multiple orgasm, “scream his name” sex the ladies talk about in every episode. Actually, it is the exact opposite. Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbes, Charlotte York, and Samantha Jones are your best friends. They don’t sit around talking about their unattainable love lives, because they don’t have them. Besides Carrie’s thousand-dollar shoe fetish, little about them is unattainable. They are four women whose experiences cross emotional, sexual, heterosexual, and racial boundaries. Beyond that, they cross television boundaries. Since 1998, Sex and the City has been like watching a 5-year movie. But their sexy anecdotes definitely don’t go unnoticed.
In the book Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell, writer Amy Sohn discusses the way the show’s creator, Darren Star, refused to deal with sex as an awkward topic. “He didn’t like the way networks tended to handle adult sexuality: in a wink-wink, nudge-nudge style, euphemistic and adolescent. Instead he wanted to create a true adult comedy in which the sex could be handled in an upfront and honest way.” And what followed was an epidemic.
The show can be easily criticized on the surface for its blunt sexual narratives, but that is also its charm. We tune in to get an objective view of situations that affect us every day, both in sexual and platonic relationships. Oh, and please believe the opinions are objective; There is a tendency to accuse television of inaccurately representing people and subject matter because their goal is entertainment. However, Sex and the City’s writers, directors, producers, and actors base the material on real events and experiences in their own lives, which personifies why we soak in every word. These four ladies really are human, because their stories are based on human experiences.
In Sex and the City’s six seasons, the themes and development of each character have been a major component of its success. They talk, they disagree, they laugh (at one another and themselves), and they fight loudly and honestly. They also cry, and we understand each moment of each emotion, not just because we relate, but because we know them. They’ve tackled anal sex, phone sex, baby talk, marriage in your 30’s, and alternatively, death, abortion, cancer, divorce, and adultery. Nothing is too outlandish and nothing is too serious for these ladies.

So, in season 4, in an episode called “Time and Punishment,” when Aiden asks Carrie never to talk to Big again after she has cheated on him and she tells him she can’t do that, we gasp having expected her to lie and promise him whatever he wants. Instead, she stands at her door repeating one statement, “You have to forgive me.” She never touches him. She is begging Aiden for his forgiveness with her sincere eyes, fearing he will leave her doorway, but overflowing with honesty. And with that truth that she repeats 7 times, we watch Aiden realize its magnitude as Carrie accepts that she has to forgive herself as well. He walks forward and embraces her, slowly pasting their relationship back together. While we breathe an enormous sigh of relief, as the end of another episode clutches some powerful emotion from us, and we are reminded of the marvel that is Sex and the City.
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