“If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even know where to pee.”
That’s what I plan to say to my godson when he gets grown enough to talk back and have dates, you know, just to put him in his place. For Christmas, I bought him a potty training kiddie toilet picked out by his mother, my lovely friend, Erika.
Last Friday, February 9th, Anthony Crenshaw Jr. turned 2-years old and I wasn’t able to be there because they are in Texas, but Erika made sure to include me in the festivities. “We are going to have a party with ice cream and a C-A-R-S cake,” she said, Anthony playfully screaming in the tub while she bathed him.
I didn’t get it, “What? The cake is shaped like a car?”
“No, like the movie.”
“Girl, he loves that movie. We can’t even say the name of it in front of him or we’ll have to watch it.” We laughed.Don’t you just love the little people in our lives (especially when they don’t belong to us)? Chervonti has Michael and London. Kim has Trey Trey (and Jordon, new baby Nyla, Isaiah, Alyssa). My boyfriend has 5 cousins under 8 (that I know) and probably 100 more (he has a huge family) and they make such an adorable difference. They give us someone to invest in, someone to nurture, and someone to remind us of innocence. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby (as I adoringly call him, thanks to my baby’s mama, Erika, and my baby’s daddy, Anthony Sr).
As tired as I am of hearing the song, “Listen,” I sat through it one more time just seconds ago (I am writing this as I am watching the Grammy’s). [Sidebar: Fergie looks a thousand times better from a distance and does Will I Am has a Swarovski crystal Bluetooth earpiece?] I am overwhelmed with a feeling of awe for Beyonce Knowles. You may have feelings about her talent as actress, House of Dereon, or any of her many other endeavors, but she is a staple in our culture, our generation, and musical history. Her voice is incredible, her very natural beauty: undeniable, and her image of sincere kindness and purity is remarkable. SHE is breathtaking – and maybe I don’t feel it every time I see her, but whether she is singing “Freakum Dress” or “Dangerously In Love,” her voice, her passionate energy reverberates within any critical music lover. I respect her for that and was totally moved by her performance no matter how ‘over’ “Listen” I am.
WHAT A F-ING TREAT! I am currently pacing back and forth from my bed to my computer totally enthralled in John Legend, Corinne Bailey Ray, and John Mayer, dying to listen and absorb every word, note, and melody but also trying to write about this emotive experience as it is occurring. Thank God for music – that’s all I have to say. What an awesome trio they just made. I hate to be such an entertainment groupie, but I absolutely love award show performances and wish that the Grammy’s, Academy Awards, and other shows would make an album of the live performances and see them! Wouldn’t that be a huge money-maker!? There has to be a reason that it hasn’t happened yet. Ah well.
Unfortunately, I only got to experience the first hour of the show (and tivo-ed the rest), but check out this site for a nice breakdown of Grammy night.
**Also, for an entertaining, but very truthful look at the "day of love," Valentine's Day, view RAW Magazine's HE SAID/SHE SAID column. It's dead on!
1 comment:
I so loved your comments about our babies! They are freakin great! And as much as I feel sad, I feel nothing but happiness when I enjoy their genuine love of the little things....and me!
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